An initiative by Abu Dhabi’s ernment to promote the use of elleather is paying off. According to the general manager of a local cannery.
Jean-Marie Gigante of Al Khaznah tannery said the site is producing high quality leather that is being used by the footwear, automotive and av1a1to n industries. He said the tannery can process up co 1,500 hides per day, and includes a physical and chemical testing department.
The animal is valued in the Middle Ease for transport and milk, but Mr Gigante, who has previously worked for high-end fashion houses including Hermes, says interest in che skin is growing.
He said the hides are 10 times more fibrous than those of cows, creating a strong and durable leather, and chat the tannery hasdevelopeda process to tan the skins chat is both chrome and metal free.